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Great video. I swam with them in Mexico and one also scared the bejeesus out of me. I turned around to see one only 4mtrs away with its mouth fully open coming straight at me. Panic is not the word!
Great video!
Very nice video you have here 🙂
I heard of this place in the Philippines where you can swim with a whale. Is this is it? Planning to go there next year!
Great video. I swam with them in Mexico and one also scared the bejeesus out of me. I turned around to see one only 4mtrs away with its mouth fully open coming straight at me. Panic is not the word!
That’s crazy!
Nice way of building up the suspense with the music too:D
Hey Matt,
I bet there’s nothing you fear! What a bold man you are!
Love your blog, go on with your adventure and never stop!
Nice video, its a common nature while seeing sharks and getting sudden shock. good post and keep it up.
Very crazy to look this video, terrible music with good suspension..
Great adventurous video