Over the past year I’ve though more and more about human-powered travel. I have decided that it is something I’d like to do full-time. It’s green, it solves the problem of finding ways to exercise while traveling, and it enables slow, ground level travel, which I like very much.
Today I begin my first bike trip: 1000 kilometers from Vancouver B.C. to my hometown of Cranbrook B.C., during which I will cross three mountain passes. I hope to average about 100 km per day and, after a couple of days off, finish in about two weeks.
Everything that I will take with me in the picture above. I have one bicycle that I bought for $100 here in Vancouver because my last one was stolen, one trailer that I bought fror $150, a hammock tent and sleeping bag, clothes, my camera, and my computer. That’s it.
Below is a picture of the route that I will follow today (courtesy of Google Maps). I will take the West Coast Express leaving downtown Vancouver at 3:50 pm and arriving at Mission at 5:05 pm. It costs $11.25 plus $1 for my bicycle. It will knock about 50 km off the trip. After I arrive I plan to ride the remaining 80 km to Hope where I will camp for the night.
Tomorrow I hope to bike the 120 km from Hope to Merrit. I’ll let you know how that turns out when I arrive.
Hope the first leg went well!!! Let me know how it goes….way to go. Hope the weather cooperates!
Best of luck Matt, I look forward to your post from Merrit!
Thanks guys! Updates soon.
Sounds like a great trip – I sat up and took notice because we have a Cranbrook down here in Western Australia too. A bit far for you to cycle here though (bit too much ocean, too). Good luck!
Ha ha. Really? You have one too? I heard about another Cranbrook in England, but that’s it. I will have to visit all three one day (though not by bicycle, because of the logistical problem that you astutely pointed out). 🙂
hope all’s well matt!!! so inspired by your plan. hoping to get off my ass and do something like this one day. thanks for the encouragement when we met. can’t wait to read how it’s going 🙂
Hey Matt where you at?
Hey Jonny! I’m at my father’s cabin on Kootenay Lake in BC now, working my a** off. I get slammed with freelance work about halfway through my trip, and I’ve been so busy working that I haven’t had a chance to finish writing about the ride.
Ah well. Wasn’t all that eventful anyways. At least I’m saving some money for the next trip.
When are you guys thinking of heading off again?
We set off in November for 12 months, heading to south east asia first, then Australia, South America, Central, USA then home! Cant wait!
P.s tried to hit reply, but didn’t work so apologies for the fresh post!