When Vancouver lost the Stanley Cup playoffs fans took to the streets and started flipping and burning cars and looting department stores. If you need photos, a story, or an interview about the riots contact me via email, on Facebook, or on Twitter.
Red Bull Illume 2010 Exhibition Headed to Denver, Colorado
Every year Red Bull holds a contest called the Red Bull Illume Image Quest seeking the best action and adventure sports photographs in the world in ten categories. This years winners can be viewed on the NatGeo website here.
The Best of My Borneo Wildlife Photography: Pygmy Elephants, Orangutans, and Proboscis Monkeys
Last month I went to Borneo to photograph the island’s most exotic endangered species: pygmy elephants, orangutans, and proboscis monkeys. All are found only on the island of Borneo (except the orangoutang, which is also found on the island of Sumatra) and all are classified as endangered. Heavy rain prevented me from shooting on all but three days of my trip, but I made the most of the time that I had. Here some of my favorite pictures from the trip.
The People of Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
On my first day in Kota Kinabalu I got a little camera happy and went out shooting the local folks around the city. Here are a few of the pictures.
Taiwan’s Beautiful and Bizarre Coastline: Jialeshuei
On Taiwan’s southern tip is a beautiful and bizarre stretch of coast where a unique geological cocktail of rock, including deep ocean stratum, sandstone, and coastal stone, has been moulded into alien-looking shapes by the violent wind and waves that whip and batter the coast.
This is the what it looks like.
Rainforest Discovery Center, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
The Rainforest Discovery Center is located in the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve in Malaysia’s province of Sabah on the island of Borneo. The center is just up the road from the Sepilok Orangoutang Sanctuary, and not far from the Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary. The center features a walkway where you can walk above the canopy, with intermittent towers for bird watchers, as well as trails and numerous educational signs. Both monkeys and orangoutangs can often be seen at the center, although we didn’t see any while we were there. We did, however, see a lot of beautiful rainforest. Here are a few pictures from our walk.
Huge Waves at Waimeia Bay
Last Thursday Quicksilver was potentially going to hold the prestigious Eddie Aikau surf competition. The contest is so serious that pro surfers will fly in from around the world to wait and see if it is going to be held. You see, the organizers wait until the day of the competition to decide whether or not the waves are big, and good, enough. If they aren’t, they call it off. It has only been held 8 times since 1984.