Super Short Travel Stories: The Bolivia Makes Me ‘Hot’ Edition

Colombian Coffee Farmer A few weeks ago, after reading a Buzzfeed article about people’s bad roommate experiences of all things, I decided that I wanted to compile an article of peoples’ most poignant travel experiences, whether they were funny, scary, or sentimental.

The results were way better than I expected, so now I think I may do a series (if you’d like to contribute a story, there’s info at the end of the post). 

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Climber Dies After Accident on Denali (Mt. McKinely)

This is a short summary of events. For ongoing coverage visit the Alpinist.
Photo courtesy of mikep on Flickr.

One week ago, on May 11th, a team of five climbers and two guides began their final ascent to summit Denali (also known as Mt. McKinley) in Alaska, which, at 6194m, is the tallest mountain in North America. When they left camp they had about 1000m left to climb and the weather looked “perfect”.

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Watch it Now! Paul Nicklen: Tales of ice-bound wonderlands on

Paul Nicklen is a wildlife biologist turned nature photographer. In this talk Nicklen discusses his work as a photographer and problem of melting polar caps with a passion and sadness that cannot be faked. He receives a standing ovation for this heartfelt presentation and, in my opinion, is a likely contender for talk of the year. If you haven’t seen it yet, you must watch it now!

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Adventures in Malaysian Borneo Part 2: Lost in a Monsoon

borneo road

I was eating breakfast in the hotel dining room and looking at my map when the hotel manager walked by.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Kinabatangan.” I replied.

“You’re driving a car?”

“A motorcycle.”

“Oh.” He replied and looked out the window beside my table. I turned and looked out the window. It was overcast and raining lightly.

“Maybe you should take a bus.” He suggested.


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Adventures in Malaysian Borneo Part 1: Driving at Night with No Lights


“Don’t drive at night.” The rental agent told me.


It was 4pm. I was in the capital renting a motorcycle that I planned to drive around the perimeter of the state and I was already a day behind schedule. The first thing I planned to do was drive at night.

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