A Ride Through Taroko Gorge, Taiwan [VIDEO]

Taroko Gorge, Taiwan is an enormous cavernous gorge (over 2000 feet long and 200 feet tall) carved out of the mountains on Taiwan’s East Coast over several millennia  by the Liwu River. A highway follows the gorge, which is also criss-crossed with some of the country’s most spectacular hiking trails. The best way to see … Read more

Watch it Now! Paul Nicklen: Tales of ice-bound wonderlands on TED.com

Paul Nicklen is a wildlife biologist turned nature photographer. In this talk Nicklen discusses his work as a photographer and problem of melting polar caps with a passion and sadness that cannot be faked. He receives a standing ovation for this heartfelt presentation and, in my opinion, is a likely contender for TED.com talk of the year. If you haven’t seen it yet, you must watch it now!

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Watch it Now: the BBC’s Human Planet

I don’t know why I had never seen this before my aunt emailed me the trailer yesterday. Most of us have heard of the BBC’s Planet Earth series.  Now, imagine the same caliber of cinematography and storytelling used to depict the most fascinating cultures and rituals of the human world. That is the BBC’s Human Planet series.

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