6 Insane Things You Can Only Do in Iceland


Photo: Iceland Tourism

Iceland is a bold country for bold people. It’s for travelers who want to dive directly into nature, party until the sun comes up (even when it never goes down), and dine on some of the sea’s most freaky creatures.

The Land of Fire and Ice is a place that continues to wow its visitors whether it’s their first visit or their fiftieth. However, these six insane things to do in Iceland are ones that most visitors, even the most seasoned Iceland travelers, have never done.

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Scuba Diving the Similan Islands in Thailand

thailand fish

I’m surrounded by a deep blue haze.  Small locals this region of the world of varying shades of yellow, black, and blue pass by, seeming not to notice me.  I take a deep breath in, and blow bubbles back out.  Looking up, I can see the surface of the water from down below. I’m a traveler in a new land: scuba diving the Similan Islands in Thailand. Looking back over my 6 days, having completed 18 dives from a live-aboard boat sailing through some of the most beautiful islands this world has to offer, I was privy to quite a few amazing sights.

As a traveler, these are the types of experiences we grow to crave.

The Night Dive

I turned around in the water and saw my other two dive buddies, clearly thinking the same thing I was – I want to see the white glitter!

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Learning How to Scuba Dive: What to Expect

learn to scuba dive

Every year more and more people are learning how to scuba dive and discovering the glorious feeling of sinking beneath the waves at some of the world’s most pristine dive sites. Nothing quite comes close to the experience of scuba diving because it allows you to explore a completely different world than that which is experienced on land.

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Philippines Adventures PT5: Scuba Diving With Sharks and on Malapascua Island

After swimming with whale sharks on the island of Leyte I spent two days traveling by bus and ferry to Malapascua, a  tiny island about 5 km from the northern tip of Cebu. There is really only one reason that people visit Malpascua: to dive with thresher sharks, enormous sea creatures that can grow up to 500 kilograms and are easily identified by their long whiplike tail.

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Making Waves in Jamaica

Guest post by Chris Leadbeater

It flits past my mask in a haze of azure and yellow, its flanks paint-box bright. ‘Flits’ may be the wrong word. ‘Cruises’ would be better, because this parrotfish is so large that it looks like it must have the turning radius of an ocean liner. Then – as if to contradict my uncharitable thought – the beast suddenly changes direction with a deft flick of its huge tail, and vanishes into the deep.

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